In 2021, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) made several updates and announcements to improve the patent and trademark process for inventors and small businesses. These new tools and programs are designed to increase efficiency, accessibility, and transparency in the intellectual property system.

One critical development from the USPTO is the launch of the “Patent Quality Chat,” an online tool that allows inventors and applicants to communicate directly with USPTO examiners. This tool enhances the patent examination process by fostering open communication and collaboration between examiners and applicants. The Patent Quality Chat is available for use on all new non-provisional utility patent applications and is expected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the patent examination process.

In addition to the Patent Quality Chat, the USPTO has also announced a pilot program called the “Patent Pro Bono Program.” This program is designed to provide free legal assistance to inventors and small businesses who may not have the financial resources to obtain professional patent assistance. The program is available in select states and is expected to expand to additional locations in the coming months.

Another important update from the USPTO is the 2021 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) release. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the USPTO’s performance over the past year, including data on the number of patents and trademarks granted, the average time it takes for applications to be processed, and the agency’s overall efficiency. The PAR is an essential resource for anyone interested in the inner workings of the USPTO and the state of intellectual property in the United States.

Overall, the recent updates and announcements from the USPTO demonstrate the agency’s commitment to improving the patent and trademark process for inventors and small businesses. Whether through the Patent Quality Chat, the Patent Pro Bono Program, or the PAR, the USPTO is working to make the intellectual property system more accessible and efficient for all.  Contact a patent attorney with Tucker Law today at 1-800-TUCKERWINS.