Trucking accidents can be devastating, resulting in serious injuries, property damage, and even death. When a major accident occurs, the initial hours and days are critical for investigating the incident and gathering evidence. While accident victims and their families are likely to be shocked and overwhelmed, trucking companies have a different reaction. As a Tucker Law accident attorney, I’ve seen how trucking companies think IMMEDIATELY after a major crash, and I’d like to share some insights with you.

Immediate Response: Following a major accident, the first thing a trucking company will do is protect its interests. This means that they will send a team of experts to the scene of the accident to take photographs, interview witnesses, and gather any evidence that may help their defense. They may also contact the injured parties or their families and offer them a settlement in order to avoid a lawsuit.

While this may appear to be a kind gesture, keep in mind that the trucking company’s main goal is to limit their liability and pay as little compensation as possible. They may offer a settlement far below the value of the victim’s damages, or they may use the settlement to shift blame to the victim or their actions.

Legal Representation: If you or a loved one has been involved in a trucking accident, you should seek legal counsel as soon as possible. An experienced accident lawyer can protect your rights, investigate the incident, and collect evidence to support your case. They can also negotiate with the trucking company’s legal team and insurance adjusters to ensure that you are compensated fairly for your injuries, damages, and losses.  We want to make sure you are compensated for all of your injuries, whether it’s your neck, back, foot, or headaches.

We understand the complexities of trucking accident cases at Tucker Law, and we have a proven track record of success in representing accident victims and their families. Our expert team will work tirelessly to investigate the incident, preserve evidence, and build a compelling case that holds the trucking company accountable for their negligence.  It is rare that a truck be uninsured or underinsured.

Conclusion: Trucking accidents are traumatic and life-changing events, and it is critical to understand how trucking companies think IMMEDIATELY following a major collision. They may attempt to avoid liability and shift blame to the victims by protecting their interests, gathering evidence, and offering low settlements. However, with the assistance of a Tucker Law skilled accident attorney, you can fight for your rights and receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses. If you or a loved one has been in a trucking accident, please call us at 1-800-TuckerWins for a free consultation.