Accidents can turn your world upside down in a heartbeat. Amidst the whirlwind of emotions and the hustle of dealing with the aftermath, you might receive a call from an insurance adjuster. This call can be as unexpected as the accident itself, leaving you wondering: what should I do now?

As an attorney with Tucker Law in Fort Lauderdale, a firm known for its unique approach to accident law and its impressive track record, I want to guide you through this crucial moment. Here’s a roadmap to help you navigate these tricky conversations, and why understanding the recent changes in Florida’s statute of limitations is key.

Understanding the Role of Insurance Adjusters

Imagine you’re playing a game of chess. The insurance adjuster is your opponent, and they’re a well-versed player in the game. Their primary goal is to settle your claim quickly and cost-effectively. However, they are not your advocate. Think of them as a skilled chess player, carefully planning their next move. Your role? To be equally strategic and informed.

The New Statute of Limitations in Florida

In a significant shift, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases in Florida has been reduced from four years to two. This change tightens the window for taking legal action, making it more crucial than ever to act swiftly and wisely. Time is like sand slipping through your fingers; once it’s gone, your opportunity to seek justice might be too.

When the Insurance Adjuster Calls

  1. Stay Calm and Collected: It’s natural to feel a rush of emotions. Remember, the adjuster’s call is just the first step in a long journey.
  2. Gather Information: Ask the adjuster for their name, contact information, and the insurance company they represent. It’s like gathering your chess pieces; you need to know who’s on the board.
  3. Limit What You Share: Be cautious about what information you provide. Instead, you should not speak directly to them.  But if you do, stick to basic facts about the accident. Avoid discussing details or admitting fault. Just as in chess, revealing too much too soon can put you at a disadvantage.
  4. Do Not Agree to a Recorded Statement: It might seem harmless, but a recorded statement can be used against you. Politely decline and say you need to consult with your attorney first.
  5. Avoid Quick Settlement Offers: These offers can be tempting, especially when bills are piling up. However, they often don’t reflect the full value of your claim. Patience is a virtue that can lead to a more just outcome.

Why Choose Tucker Law?

At Tucker Law, we don’t just lawyer up; we Tucker Up. This means bringing a blend of fierce advocacy, deep expertise, and a personalized touch to your case. We understand that behind every case, there’s a story, a person, a life impacted. With our unique You Win or No Fee, Tucker Law Guarantee, you can be assured that we’re as invested in your success as you are.

Taking the Next Step

If you’ve been in an accident in Florida and an insurance adjuster has reached out to you, take a moment to consult with an expert. An attorney with Tucker Law can provide the guidance and representation you need to navigate these complex waters. Remember, the decisions you make now can impact your life for years to come.

Contact Tucker Law today at 1-800-TUCKERWINS for a consultation.